Saturday, September 24, 2011

If It's Magic...

Dear World,

          Everyone wants it, yet no one seems to truly have it. When someone claims they have found it, we're quick to tell them they couldn't possible understand it. It take years to build it, but only months to fall into it. Love is one of the most complicated emotions that a human being can experience, and we all live our lives in hopes that we will find that special someone that we can spend the rest of our lives with.
          The movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin said it best: "When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No... don't blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away..." 
          Love, in the simplest terms, is what happens when two souls connect and make the realization that their time on earth would be better spent with each other rather than apart. Once this acceptance occurs, what happens next is based on time and fate. With love comes the birth of trust, doubt, fear, faith, and many more emotions that involve one human being placing their heart in the hands of another. The beauty of love lies within the tragedy of love; one cannot truly love until your heart has been broken beyond repair. And the person that puts your heart back together, is the one that you are meant to love forever. 

                                                                                                           Written With Love,
                                                                                                               Letters To Cuba.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Words To The Wise.


Promises are something that everyone makes.
Some of them are spoken, while others are understood.
The interesting thing is to see who keeps make them, and who keeps them.
- Clementina.Cecelia. (Yours Truly)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blue Light Music Spotlight

This Week's Blue Light Artist....

Frank Ocean

            Christopher Francis Ocean, born Christopher Breaux on October 29, 1987 and better known by his stage name Frank Ocean, is an American singer-songwriter from New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a member of OFWGKTA. Some of his most notable songs include; Novacane, Rocket Love, Strawberry Swing, and Thinking About You, as well as being featured on Tyler The Creator's song She, from the album Goblin. 

                                                                                                        Under The Headphones,
                                                                                                                      Letters To Cuba.
Photo Credits: Goggle Images

Years Of Laughter, Adding Life.

Dear World,

          See the happy child. His life is full of wonder and excitement. Every moment of his small time here on earth has been filled with a variety of life experiences, filled with joy, pain, and sadness, yet he continues to find the time to smile. All children are born with the feeling of happiness and no matter what, revert back to it. Regardless of what may have happened during each day of their young lives, children find the time to laugh. Yet the older we get, the less we remember the days when the simple things in life could make us simple things in life, and the more we allow the world to bring us down. We can't let the weight of the world constantly reside on our shoulders, and we have to learn how to take a moment to enjoy the little things that humor us in life and laugh. We can't forget to laugh ladies and gentlemen. It is the key to life. E.E. Cummings once said, "the most wasted of all days is one without laughter." Bottom line: If you can laugh at the little things in life then you won"t be able to handle life when everything goes wrong. You can laugh at the good, and even the bad. But whatever you do, never forget to laugh.

                                                                                                                   Letters To Cuba
Photo Credits: Google Images

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Inaugural Letter. (Live/Life)

Dear World, 
          I hope this letter find you in a happy place. I feel as if I know you so well, though we have only know each other for a brief moment. I'm in college now, and learning every step of the way. Temple University is my new home, and I now bleed Cherry and White. The city of Philadelphia is an amazing inspiration for any artistic abilities, and it also bring together many cities as one. I've met some great people over the past few weeks and learned quite a few lessons. But even if things didn't always go my way, I've learned that everything happens for a reason, and people do not cross your paths mistakenly. They all belong in this crazy thing that we are dying to live... Life.
         To often in life, we sit back and just drive by it. Sitting in our fancy cars and large houses, we shut the world out and forget that the point that of life is to live it. There are so many opportunities for people to live life the way God intended, yet we stray away from success in fear of failure. As Albert Einstein once said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." The only way to become something in life is to take great leaps of faith, and not be afraid to fall. Imagine where we would be today if Martin Luther King had been afraid to have a dream, or if President Barack Obama was afraid of become apart of history... Without individuals who are willing to take risk and become successful, the world would be a bland and mindless environment that cultivates ignorance. Bottom line, you can't be afraid to take risk and obtain success, and you must live your life actively, rather than passively. 
          Lastly, before I leave you, you must remember to enjoy your life rather than just getting by. Ambition in life is greatly appreciated in the workplace, but if it becomes your entire life than you have missed the point of what it mean to live it. Life should be a mixture of both business and play, because even CEO's take family vacations. When attempting to complete your life's goals you cannot forget to take a break and just take in life for what it is. There is so much that the world has to offer, and if we are too focused on what is going on in our lives, we forget that we are apart of a global community and we have to contribute to it. 

                                                                                               Until We Meet Again,
                                                                                                        Letters To Cuba.